Thursday, April 15, 2010

Strep :(

All is quiet at our house at the moment, with the exception of the dull hum of the dryer. It is nice to have a moment to sit and relax. The dreaded streptococcus virus has been silently taking over the bodies of those who abide in this home. With the exception of the doctor's office, which we have visited 3 times this week, each day for a new victim, we have been on quarantine. It has wiped us out so completely that even my oldest daughter was too tired to do school today and proved it by actually napping when I sent her to her room. The baby has a runny nose, which will probably be the extent of it. The middle got her first ear infection, the first I have ever had to deal with. And I, being the one who cannot afford to lose any time with the disease, have been subject to a very painful shot in the nether regions. It has been lovely to sit with my children and read to them. I'll take all the extra cuddles I can get. I've also been able to get some good scrapbooking done and make more blog backgrounds for my new page (link on the header). I have truly come to see how loved and cared for we are at this time. I am so blessed to have friends and family that will help at the drop of the hat. They know who they are (and I don't, they left dinner on my porch one day) and I am so grateful. Thanks.


Andrea said...

Hope everyone is feeling better soon!

shawnee said...

Always the optimist. you are my number one long distance buddy. get better!

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